Monday, June 10, 2013

Vacation Part 1

Greetings, from Hilton Head!

Not too shabby of a view, huh? Anyway, vacation is off to a great start! I'm definitely enjoying myself and splurging on some yummy treats, but I'm trying to make healthy choices as often as possible. On our travel day, I snacked in the car, had fast food for lunch, and a cheesy risotto dish for dinner.  So the following day I was ready to get back in the saddle.

When I woke up, I had some Greek yogurt and laced up my tennis shoes.  I wasn't familiar enough with with the area yet for an outdoor run, so I took advantage of the gym at our condo.  I ran 2 miles and walked on incline for 25 minutes.  After my workout, I had a hard boiled egg and a banana and hit the beach.

I wanted to eat a light lunch in case I decided to order pasta for dinner. I had a whole cucumber (sliced), whole grain roasted red pepper triscuits, hummus, and 1 hard boiled egg. Plus, lots and lots of water.  And I had a little trail mix on the side to satisfy my sweet tooth.

This morning, my dad and I biked around the island and then I did a few strength training exercises when we got back. While we were riding the bikes, I noticed the cutest little bakery across the street from our condo called, The French Kiss Bakery.  I'm a sucker for coffee and pastries, so I decided to scope it out.

This bad boy was calling my name. So my dad and I split this eclair, half the guilt, right?! Pretty delicious and well worth the calories.

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